Ferias y eventos

Actividades culturales - Les bruixes de viladrau

Every year, on the night of 31st October, Viladrau commemorates one of its most tragic historical episodes: The Persecution of the Witches.

El ball de les bruixes

Viladrau, 31 October
Fira de la Castanya - Viladrau

The Fira de la castanya de Viladrau is held with the aim of developing a commercial activity that combines culture, nature and the recovery of the Viladrau and Montseny chestnut.

Fira de la castanya

Viladrau, October
actividades cerca de les planes de viladrau trail fonts del Montseny

The first weekend in July, the TFM sporting event takes place with the aim of offering a high quality sporting experience and combining it with the leisure and cultural possibilities of Viladrau and the Osona region.

Trail Fonts del Montseny

Viladrau, July
Festival Marcos Redondo - Viladrau

A musical offer of recognised quality with the participation of emerging artists as well as consolidated artists of international prestige.

Festival Marco Redondo

Viladrau, agost

Matinal Rusquelles

The programme of the Rusquelles Musical Matinee offers, throughout the year, a monthly concert of classical repertoire with the participation of established musicians and composers.

Matinal Musical de Rosquelles

Viladrau, 1st Sunday of the month
Fira de l'Avet - Espinelves - Les Planes de Viladrau

At the beginning of December, when Christmas approaches, Espinelves celebrates its representative fair, the Fira de l’Avet.

Fira de l´Avet

Espinelvas, December
Mercat del Ram - Vic

Every year at the beginning of spring, the Mercat del Ram is inaugurated in Vic. It is the city’s most historic fair.

Mercat del Ram

Vic, easter
Mercat Medieval de Vic

When the Christmas festivities get into full swing, the old quarter of Vic recalls the city’s medieval past with a large market with a medieval atmosphere and characters from the period.

When the Christmas festivities get into full swing, the old quarter of Vic recalls the city’s medieval past with a large market with a medieval atmosphere and characters from the period.

Medieval Market

Vic, December
Mercat de la Música Viva - Vic

The Vic Live Music Market is a professional meeting point that brings together all sectors of the music industry to learn about new proposals, attend forums, exchange knowledge and buy and sell music.

Mercat de la música viva

Vic, September