Leisure activities

A 30 min drive from Les Planes to the Sau reservoir you can enjoy many water activities such as water-skiing, wakeboarding, kayaking and paddleboarding. Activities that you can share with your family or friends and that will allow you to get a closer look at the Sau reservoir bell tower.

www.mosenpark.com / www.aquaterraclub.es

Water sports in Sau

A 15-minute drive from Les Planes you can enjoy an activity park in the middle of nature that offers different aerial circuits that will take you up into the trees. In addition to these circuits, there are other activities for the whole family to enjoy such as the Barefoot Walk or the Ecobosc route.


La Selva de l´Aventura

Vol amb globus les planes de viladrau
20 minutes by car from Les Planes you can enjoy a hot-air balloon ride lasting just over an hour. You will fly over the Vic plain with views of the city of Vic and the fields and villages in the plain. The company aircat.cat offers various possibilities such as private flights and packages with breakfast included. www.aircat.cat / www.volaventura.cat

Balloon flights

25 minutes by car from Les Planes you can do horse riding routes of 30 minutes, 1 hour or 2 hours, for adults and children of all levels, from beginners to more advanced levels. For the youngest, there are pony rides. Private riding lessons for beginners and advanced riders. Equine therapy sessions, private lessons for people with special physical, mental or emotional needs.


Horse-riding and equestrian routes

Escalada - Centelles
The more adventurous can find in the area several companies specialised in organising via ferratas for different levels with total safety or well-known climbing halls for all levels of public. guiesamadablam.comwww.guiesarania.com/es/


Personalised routes starting from Les Planes accommodation and guided by expert instructors who will be with you throughout the whole experience. Try a 4×4 Segway tour or a Nordic walking tour, a technique that originated in Finland, where cross-country skiers developed it as a way to train during the summer.


Nordic walking or Segway